EzyFlow Nano Calbud
A liquid suspension containing calcium plus multiple trace elements, developed for foliar, fertigation and liquid injection. Assists in early plant development and corrects or prevents nutritional deficiencies in a wide range of crops.
EzyFlow Nano Zinc
A highly concentrated zinc formula containing kelp extract, developed for seed dressing, foliar feed and soil application to aid in early plant vigour and to correct or prevent zinc deficiencies in a wide range of crop situations.
EzyFlow Nano Copper
A high analysis suspension of copper blended with kelp extracts, designed to correct or prevent copper deficiencies in a wide range of crop situations.
EzyFlow Nano Manganese
A high analysis suspension of manganese blended with kelp extracts, designed to correct or prevent manganese deficiencies in a wide range of crop situations.
EzyFlow Nano Magnesium
A high analysis suspension of magnesium, designed to correct or prevent magnesium deficiencies in a wide range of crop situations.
EzyFlow Nano Zincman
A high analysis suspension of zinc plus manganese blended with kelp extracts, designed to correct or prevent manganese & zinc deficiencies in a wide range of crop situations.
EzyFlow Nano Triple
A high analysis suspension of zinc, manganese and copper blended with kelp extracts, designed to correct or prevent zinc, manganese & copper deficiencies in a wide range of crop situations.
EzyFlow Nano Trace
A multi-trace suspension containing manganese, zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, boron, molybdenum & cobalt designed to correct or prevent micronutrient deficiencies in a wide range of crop situations.
EzyFlow Nano Canolabud
A liquid suspension containing calcium and sulphate sulphur, plus multiple trace elements, developed for foliar, fertigation and liquid injection to assist in early plant development and correct or prevent nutritional deficiencies in a wide range of crops.
EzyFlow Nano Gypsum
A liquid suspension of technical grade gypsum dihydrate, containing calcium and sulphate sulphur applied to improve soil structure by reducing sodium build up and increasing calcium levels in the soil. Formulated with micronised particles, it can be used as a foliar, or in fertigation and in-furrow…
EzyFlow Nano Lime
A highly concentrated, fully water dispersible liquid lime containing a high percentage of calcium to ensure strong early plant development. Formulated with micronised particles, it can be used as a foliar or in fertigation and in-furrow applications as a soil ameliorant.
EzyFlow Nano Lovebud
A liquid suspension containing calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc plus multiple trace elements, developed for foliar, fertigation and liquid injection. Assists in early plant development and corrects or prevents nutritional deficiencies.