Nutritional Programs

Loveland Agri Products nutritional programs are designed to combine the strengths of different technologies in the same program.

Influence your crop via various modes of action and utilise the expertise of the national Nutrien Ag Solutions agronomist network, to ensure you maximise your yield potential this season. 


Fertigated Soil Programs

Taking care of soil health to improve it's physical, chemical and biological characteristics plays a major role in the productivity of commercial agriculture.

By using highly efficient products that improve soil chemistry and enhance the microbial processes and various biochemicals they produce, growers will benefit with improved yields and better quality produce whilst ensuring long-term sustainability of their operations.

Cherries & Stone Fruit Program

There are many factors throughout the season that influence crop health, fruit quality and flavor of stone fruit. Proper nutrition during the growing season helps avoid issues such as fruit shrivelling or splitting, internal breakdown and poor quality when ripe. 

Our nutrition program for cherries and stone fruit uses innovative technologies formulated into quality products to provide growers with increased on-farm production, improved fruit quality and profitability. 

Citrus Program

The citrus nutritional program is designed to combat common nutritional deficiencies often faced by citrus growers. Developed with input from leading horticultural experts, this program is designed using highly efficient foliar technologies from the Loveland Agri Products range for improved yields and quality fruit. 

Almond Foliar Program

Adequate tree nutrition is critical to the health and yield potential of any nut crop. 

Loveland Agri Products incorporates a range of highly efficient technologies into a foliar program to improve soil health, yield potential and fruit quality. 

Winter Pastures Programs

Cold conditions over winter means plant growth slows and conditioning livestock can be a challenge. Throw the box & dice at your pastures with our Winter Pastures Programs.

Designed to streamline the mixing and application processes. These simple one-pass solutions are proven to boost quality dry matter production over winter months.


Corn Program

Corn is a high yielding crop and achieving optimum economical returns depend on adequate nutrient supply throughout the growing season. Our nutrition programme for corn ensures critical nutrients are available at key stages of the crop cycle to support healthy growth and quality production.

Products should be used in accordance with the product label and directions for use.
For best results, consult with your agronomist on suitability of the product, taking into account your particular circumstances.