Our Products

Plant Nutrition

Our range of soil, nutritional and plant growth regulator products contain innovative technologies that help Australian growers produce high performing, quality crops.

Crop Protection

With pesticides focused on safeguarding against a range of infections, we have what you need to keep your crops safe.


Our range of agricultural spray adjuvants cover a variety of product types with specialised benefits to ensure you’re getting the most out of your pesticides.

Our Full Range

At Loveland Agri Products™, we have a wide range of products that cover some of the most vital aspects of crop health.

We supply formulas for crop nutrition, ag chemicals for protection from pests and disease, as well as products to improve farm productivity, output and profitability.

View the full range

Latest Product Guide

Check out our full list of agri products and more information in our latest product guide.

Nutritional Programs

Loveland Agri Products nutritional programs are designed to combine the strengths of different technologies in the same program.

Influence your crop via various modes of action and utilise the expertise of the national Nutrien Ag Solutions agronomist network, to ensure you maximise your yield potential this season. 

Products should be used in accordance with the product label and directions for use.
For best results, consult with your agronomist on suitability of the product, taking into account your particular circumstances.