Radiate® can be used on most crops to accelerate nodal root growth for improved anchorage of young plants, while increasing their ability to access nutrient and moisture. Radiate is a patented formulation of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) & other nutritional ingredients, in optimised ratios, designed to drive prolific root growth and plant vigour early in the crops growth stage.
Product Features
- Plant Growth Promotant
- Contains Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) + proprietary ingredients
- APVMA registered product
- Labelled for foliar applications
Product Benefits
- Hormonally induces root and shoot growth
- Improves plant establishment and early season vigour
- Increases crops ability to access essential nutrient and moisture
- Reduces early season stress
- Aid in pasture recovery within a grazing system
Application Rates: 150ml – 300ml/ha. For best results include LI700 in the tank mix.
Timing: Apply at 2 – 6 leaf stage to foliage of broad acre crops including wheat, barley, canola, cotton, chickpeas & corn. Refer to label for specific crops.
Specific Gravity: 1.04
pH: 3.1 – 3.7
Colour & Form: Yellow liquid
Compatibility: Compatible with most liquid fertilisers and pesticides, however seek professional advice prior to tank mixing.
Storage: Keep sealed in original container. Store in frost-free, dry conditions out of direct sunlight, above 5°C and below 30°C
Crop SuitabilityRefer to product label for specific crops
Product TimingFoliar application early in crop growth cycle or post graze/cut
Pack Sizes10L & 5L Drum