Cace Clear is a liquid calcium (Ca) acetate with boron (B) formulation in a highly available form which offers excellent crop safety. Cace Clear has been specifically designed for applications during the season to correct or prevent calcium deficiencies in horticultural crops.
- Analysis 0-0-0 + 6.1% Calcium, 0.2% Boron.
- Acetate formulation
- Clear Formulation.
- Superior foliar uptake and translocation.
- High analysis and fast absorption equals lower use rates.
- Excellent crop safety & safe to apply…..low corrosivity on spray equipment.
Application Rates: General rate 5L/ha; 2.0 – 10.0L/Ha depending on the severity of deficiency. Refer to product label for specific crops.
Timing: Refer to label for specific crop types. Start of flowering through to fruit set.
Specific Gravity: 1.13
pH: 5.0
Contains: (w/v)%. Calcium (Ca) 6.1%, Boron (B) 0.2%
Storage: Keep sealed in original container, store in frost free dry containers out of direct sunlight, above 5oC and below 30oC
Compatibility: Do not mix with products containing phosphate, triazine and amine herbicides.
Tank Mixing: Following guidelines for tank mixing order. Ensure adequate agitation into solution prior to use.
Crop SuitabilityBroadacre & Horticultural crops.
Product TimingFoliar applications.
Pack Sizes20L & 1000L.